Turbine 30 Ton Steel Case Study

Producing large steel castings can test any foundry’s materials, systems, and equipment to their limits. The effects of pouring temperature, pouring time and turbulence have a huge effect on as cast quality. When this is coupled with aspiration, undesirable oxygen activities within the melt and large changes in section thicknesses can produce both slag, inclusions and tearing defects.

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Reclaiming Clay and Carbon from Green-Sand Dust

Considering process solutions or beneficial reuse options to resolve where all the spent foundry sand will go.

For years, foundries been asking, "Where will all the sand go?" They have looked for ideas or innovations to deal with over 10 million tons of spent green sand from molding and coremaking operations annually - and particularly for sustainable treatment processes. Specifically, they have been looking for process solutions or options for beneficial reuse of all that sand.

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